Chantal Ouellette, President, Owner
Chantal Ouellette co-ordinates all activities at Precision Roofing & Siding Inc. She is responsible for ensuring safety procedures are in place and respected. Chantal Ouellette is the main co-ordinator for each department. She supervises the estimating department and she is a project manager.
Email: chantal@prs-inc.ca / Direct: 613-673-4545 #222 / Cell: 613-223-6912
Benoit Ouellette, Vice-President Operations, Owner
Benoit Ouellette is our resource for solving all installation issues. He has 25 years experience in his field of expertise. Benoit Ouellette is responsible for supervising all projects at the installation stage. He is our quality control expert.
Email: benoit.prs.inc@gmail.com / Direct: 613-673-4545 #223 / Cell: 613-804-3341
Sebastien Ouellette, Chief Estimator, Owner
Sebastien is responsible for providing competitive quotations at time of tender. He is an important part of the internal team. His combine 10 + years experience both as an installer and an estimator make him a key player. These assets enable Sebastien Ouellette to work on various design with customers during the tendering process.
Email: estimatingprs@gmail.com / prsseb@gmail.com / Cell: 613-229-3340
Adam Achtell, Estimator
Adam is responsible for providing competitive quotations at time of tender. He is an important part of the internal team. A key player on the PRS Team!
Email: estimatingprs@gmail.com / prsadamachtell@gmail.com / Cell: 613-899-8773